
Migraine headaches

Caffeine Headaches


Sinus Headaches

Air Travel

Headache Avoidance Diet

Headaches can be provoked by a number of different substances but usually this is not a true allergy but a reaction to a food ingredient.  Allergies can also provoke headaches as part of the wider spectrum of symptoms of an allergic reaction. In this case there will be added symptoms and not just an isolated headache.  Headaches can be caused by serious conditions such as high blood pressure, tumours or cerebro-vascular disease - Always consult your doctor before assuming  that you have an allergy or sensitivity


Migraine headaches can be provoked by a group of foods containing serotonin which is a protein which affects the nervous system and blood vessels. Such foodstuffs include cheeses, red wines and Migraine can also be triggered by oranges and chocolate.

The migraine response is a thus a chemical effect and not a true allergy.


Caffeine Headaches - some people believe that an allergy to caffeine can cause headache. More commonly caffeine withdrawal headache can occur in persons who consume large quantities of coffee or tea and suddenly stop.


Sinus Headaches - Sinus pain and congestion can cause severe headaches and facial pain. The congestion can be provoked by an allergic reaction. allergic rhinitis, hay fever etc


Air Travel - Pressure Headache - The changes in air pressure which occur on going up and down in an aircraft can also provoke sinus related headaches. Sometimes these can be exacerbated by what appears to be an allergy to the atmosphere in the cabin of a plane. In a confined space it is easy for a mild allergy to some environmental factor to be magnified. Taking a mild antihistamine before flying can relieve this. Discuss with your doctor.



Headache Avoidance Diet

This is controversial - A diet here is as suggested in the The Headache Prevention Cookbook

The list of foods that have been reported to trigger headaches is long and varied. The foods included here are the ones most commonly reported to cause headaches; that's why it's difficult to avoid them without following the headache-prevention diet. Some of you may be susceptible to many of these foods, others to only a few. If you are lucky, you'll find you're not susceptible to any of these foods.The only way to tell is by going on the headache-prevention diet. If you discover an ingredient that triggers your headaches and is not on this list, you should obviously avoid it too.


Prohibited: Beans (lima, Italian, pole, broad, fava, string, navy, pinto, garbanzo, lentils, snow peas), pickles, chili peppers, olives.
Allowed: All other fresh, frozen, dried, and canned vegetables and vegetable juices. Limit tomatoes to 1/2 cup per day; limit onions to 1/2 cup per day.


Prohibited: Dried fruits that contain preservatives (such as raisins, dates, figs, apricots), avocados, papayas, passion fruit, red plums, banana-peel extract.
Allowed: All other fresh, frozen, and canned fruits and juices. Limit citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, limes) and pineapple to 1/2 cup per day. Limit bananas to 1/2 banana per day. (Technically, a tomato is a fruit, so remember to limit tomatoes to 1/2 cup per day.) Organic dried fruits without preservatives (particularly sulfites).

Breads and Cereals

Prohibited: Any fresh yeast product straight out of the oven; for example, yeast breads, crackers, pizza dough, doughnuts, soft pretzels.
Allowed: Store-bought and homemade breads (white, whole wheat, French, Italian, bagels, etc.) are fine as long as they are not straight out of the oven and have been allowed to cool (it's OK to reheat them). Just be careful that they don't contain other prohibited ingredients, such as raisins, nuts, chocolate, or cheeses. Likewise, you can eat all hot and cold cereals unless they contain specifically prohibited items, such as dried fruit or artificial sweeteners.

Dairy Products and Eggs

Prohibited: Most cheeses. Sour cream, whole milk, chocolate milk, buttermilk, cream.

Allowed: Skim milk or 1% homogenized milk. Cheeses: American, ricotta, cream cheese, Velveeta, pot, farmer, cottage. Skim milkbased yogurt (limit it to 1/2 cup per day). Eggs.


Prohibited: Alcoholic beverages, especially red wine; beverages containing chocolate or cocoa; diet beverages containing artificial sweeteners.
Allowed: Fruit and vegetable juices, noncaffeinated drinks (if they don't contain artificial sweeteners). Limit caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, or soda, to 2 cups (approximately 16 ounces) per day. For soda, that's a little more than one can a day.


Prohibited: Most canned soups and bouillon cubes (they usually contain MSG, preservatives, or other prohibited ingredients).
Allowed: Homemade soups and stocks, unless they contain other specifically prohibited foods, such as beans, cheese, or large amounts of onion or tomato.


Prohibited: Chocolate, carob, and licorice; ice cream; desserts containing other prohibited foods, such as nuts or dried fruit, or those made with liqueurs; whipped cream.
Allowed: Cakes, cookies, candies, and pies, unless they contain prohibited ingredients; gelatin, sherbet, and sorbet.


Prohibited: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and tenderizers containing MSG; soy sauce; vinegar, except for white and cider vinegars; salad dressings containing wine or vinegar, unless it is white or cider vinegar; cooking sherry; olive oil; seeds, nuts, peanuts, and peanut butter; all artificial sweeteners; preservatives, such as nitrates and sulfites; coconuts; capers. Most mustards, ketchups, and mayonnaises.
Allowed: Anything else not specifically prohibited, all herbs and spices, white vinegar, cider vinegar, honey, jams, jellies, dry mustard.

Meat and Seafood

Prohibited: Bacon, hot dogs, pepperoni, sausage, salami, bologna, ham; organs (liver and other organ meats) all aged, canned, cured, or processed meat products; caviar.
Allowed: All fresh beef, poultry, fish, or pork products, unless specifically prohibited; tuna and other canned seafood that is packed in water


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