Cook Free

Welcome to CookFree where we share thoughts and ideas on various exclusion diets particularly gluten and wheat free diets, lactose and dairy free diets and other dietary advice. We hope you will -


Try the products in our recommended lists


Write in with your questions


Send us recipes and ideas


Comment on good and bad experiences with diets and recipes


Help us build a shared resource to make our lives easier and more enjoyable

Thanks and Buon Appetito!


Legal Notice - Please Note recipes and information on this website are suggestions gleaned from a variety of sources and ideas that have worked for a number of people. All individuals have their own unique requirements and you are strongly advised to consult your doctor or dietician on any dietary change you wish to make. The contributors, designers and owners of this website bear no responsibility for any adverse effects experienced as a result of using any of the recipes or dietary suggestions. Please note that if you suffer from multiple allergies you should ensure that recipes are free from all substances which you are allergic to. For example Gluten free recipes are not necessarily yeast free and vice versa. You are responsible for checking each recipe for ingredients which are not allowed by your physician. If in doubt - DO NOT USE. Food allergies and intolerances are frequently multiple. Make sure you consult your doctor for appropriate diagnosis and testing.


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